
Syno currently has relationships in over 140 schools and colleges within the North of England, and this number grows every day.

We are known for providing fun and informative information sessions for pupils, parents/carers and staff alike, that will not only raise the profile of your institution but provide long standing relationships with friends and potentially ‘critical friends’ that could prove to be so beneficial in designing your next undergraduate campaign.

We can attend UCAS Conventions and school/college recruitment fairs on our behalf, capturing enquiry data to drive conversion activity throughout the year.

This can be achieved through:

What do we do?

  • Outreach in schools and colleges
  • Meetings with teaching and CIAG staff in schools and colleges
  • Profile raising activity in varying geographical locations
  • Telemarketing
  • Enquiry and data management
  • Conversion
  • Public relations
  • Print and design