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"The feedback we get from students when he has been speaking or running workshops is 100% positive.  As well as being informative about any aspect of Higher Education you care to pick, he is hugely funny, engaging and raises aspirations by making the kids see what they are capable of and that University really is for someone like them.  He also gives really down-to earth, useful advice about personal statements and what you should and shouldn't include on a UCAS form."

Nicola Ramsden, Head of Sixth Form, Ryburn Valley High School

Converting Parents

By Syno Blog

As another UCAS application deadline looms upon us and Student Recruitment teams have approximately three minutes before it all starts again, I thought it would be a good time to…

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As the careers adviser at Franklin College I have known Rob Rattray for nearly two years.  Rob has been to the college several times both as a contributor at our annual careers fair and to run personal statement workshops.  Rob Rattray was one of three representatives from different universities to deliver the workshops at college last year.  The feedback from students on Rob’s workshops was excellent and by far the most positive.  The students came away enthused and crucially with some really good ideas on how to get started on their personal statements.  His entertaining, easy, no nonsense manner means he connects well with young people.  He readily agreed to our request to come back into college again ahead of our internal UCAS deadline to do some individual work with students.  I am pleased to be able to recommend him highly to you.

Darrell Collins, Careers Adviser, Franklin College

Rob was brilliant and has made a huge impact with our students. The daytime workshops were very well attended and I have received excellent feedback form our students who are now making excellent progress with their UCAS applications and course research.  The sessions for parents were also very well received and those parents now feel much more empowered and informed regarding higher education for their sons and daughters.
Being located in a remote, rural and coastal community presents us with significant challenges when arranging high quality information and guidance for our students and their families.  It is extremely important that we can continue to ensure that our students receive the very best advice, guidance and support.  This is only possible when working in partnership with organisations like yours and we value the support you give us and our community very highly.
I look forward to continuing to develop our links with your organisation and look forward to working with you and Rob again in the near future.

 Michelle Waudby
, Progression Coordinator, Caedmon College, Whitby

Michelle Waudby, Progression Coordinator, Caedmon College, Whitby